Investing in our homes to make them more energy efficient

We are very proud to collaborate with local construction company W.F.CLaytons on several plans on our homes to make them more efficient. 

W.F.Claytons have over 35 years of experience in the construction field, and it is a pleasure to be working with them again. We know how important the homes we have are to our tenants and therefore it is essential that we invest in these homes in order to meet the local need for housing. 

By working hand in hand with W.F.Claytons we will focus on external work in these homes.

The work will vary from home to home and our staff will discuss with each tenant individually following an inspection of the home, but roughly this is what external work can mean: 

  •  Install a new roof 
  • Pebble dash walls 
  • Insulate the walls of the home 
  • Install new windows and doors 
  • Install new gutters and fascia boards 
  • Improve or install new fencing and paths 

As you can see it’s a significant amount of work on a home and completing work like this takes time. But we feel that investing time and money to do this work is one of our main priorities. With energy prices increasing and the cost of living so high we understand the pressure on everyone including our customers and therefore understand the importance of making your home as efficient as possible. 

According to Mathew Gosset, our Assistant Director of Assets 

“Collaborating with W.F.Claytons on these plans means that we are spending local and that local communities benefits from the investment through social value schemes.” 

This type of work has a positive effect on the carbon footprint and energy efficiency of the home. On average every home that receives insulation works reduces its carbon footprint by around 20% and also helps reduce energy costs for our tenants, which is very important in the current climate”. 

Keep an eye on our social media to see pictures of how these developments are progressing over the next few weeks.