Welcome Adra
After over six months in the making, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) – one of north Wales’ largest social housing provider – has this week unveiled a bold new rebrand and a name change to Adra, to coincide with ambitious plans for the next three years.
Adra will be hitting the ground running to underpin a new Corporate Plan for the next 3 years which includes ambitions to build over 500 affordable new homes for people in housing need across north Wales, plans for mid-market rental properties, and a new subsidiary, Medra (Homes) which will focus on the building of new homes available for market sale.
Working with north Wales based creative design agency View Creative, the new brand has been developed to reflect the main findings of research about the housing association’s branding, conducted with a variety of stakeholder groups including tenants, staff and board members.
Adra’s Chief Executive, Ffrancon Williams said: “Our rebrand marks an exciting time for us as a company. As well as broadening people’s perceptions of who we are and what we do, and who we support, we wanted a brand that would better reflect the modern and dynamic company that CCG has grown into over the past ten years.
“These are big changes coming in, but as a company we are always eager to stay ahead of the curve and develop our service offering and ensuring we have a robust financial future so that we can continue to invest in the housing stock we currently have.”
The new identity and name change to Adra has been rolled out with a fresh palette of vibrant colours across the company’s touchpoints. This also heralds a new modern website and vehicle fleet which were scheduled to be updated anyway but coincide with the new branding work.