Adra celebrates tenant feedback – but vows to do more
Figures published by Welsh Government has shown that Adra, North Wales’ largest housing association is one of the best performing social landlords in Wales when it comes to customer feedback.
Now the housing association has vowed to work hard to continue to improve services in the future.
Every year, social landlords are measured on customer feedback and compared with landlords across Wales.
Adra appeared in the top five performers for listening and acting on feedback, for involving tenants in decisions, for opportunities for tenants to have a say in how services are managed and for being a trusted landlord.
It also performs well in terms of feedback on providing a safe and secure home, dealing with anti-social behaviour, dealing with repairs and maintenance and for creating safe neighbourhoods.
Adra also performs well for providing value for money, with Adra’s rents among the lowest in Wales.
Sion Hughes, Assistant Director – Customer and Communities, said: “We welcome these findings as they reflect the tremendous amount of work going on right across the organisation to improve services to tenants.
“We recognise they are only a snapshot but they give us a clear indicator we are on the right path when it comes to tenant satisfaction.
“This year we launched a new tenant participation framework called Eich Llais/Your Voice and we’re delighted that seems to already be having an impact.
“Of course there is some work to do to maintain these standards and there are some areas of work that we are aware needs further work, including the way we communicate with tenants around appointments and general enquiries.
“We will not become complacent teams across Adra will continue to look at improving services to be the best they can”.