Boost for North Wales as we aim to build 1,200 new homes
We are aiming to invest £198 million with partners to build more than 1,200 new homes tackling the housing crisis and the impact of COVID across north Wales.
Our Board has committed to its ambitious development programme over the next five years across all tenures including social rent, affordable homes to rent or buy.
Housing sales on the open market will also be part of the development programme through our development subsidiary Medra. Profits through this initiative will be reinvested back into the Adra Group, with the charity’s development funds strengthened by Gift Aid contributions, which will help to support and regenerate communities.
As part of the development programme, we will target grant funding from the Welsh Government in view of their commitment to deliver 20,000 affordable homes across Wales by 2021.
With 9,000 people on the social housing register in north Wales, our growth plans are aligned with the Welsh Government’s Well-Being of Future Generations Act and is a boost for local young people, creating job opportunities and driving sustainability by addressing the huge need for affordable homes in north Wales.
We are also working with the Welsh Government, Local Authorities and the Health Board to focus on the need for accommodation for doctors, nurses and other key workers in the wake of the pandemic and recruitment issues facing the sector.
Our innovative development strategy includes its commitment to support the Welsh language, providing affordable homes for local people priced out of the market, with prices inflated by the scale of second homes across north Wales.
The delivery of our development programme will support local SMEs, especially with a focus on a strong local supply chain which will generate expenditure locally.
Iwan Trefor Jones is our Deputy Chief Executive and is overseeing the development programme and asset management of the social landlord. He said:
“We are proud of the development programme which enables Adra to take the lead working with our wide range of partners to deliver new affordable homes. We are taking a proactive and positive approach to supporting rural and urban communities, where there’s a huge demand and desperate need for local affordable homes.
“It is of massive concern to us that an average of 60% of households in Gwynedd for example are priced out of the housing market. Our new development programme aims to ensure that new affordable housing will be available for young, local people and families.
“We are looking to collaborate further with the private and public sector to deliver partnership opportunities, using innovative approaches to development funding as well as joint ventures.”
Gwynedd Councillor and Housing Cabinet Member, Craig ab Iago said:
“The lack of housing options for local people is one of the main challenges in Gwynedd today and I hope that Adra’s growth will make a difference. I’m eager to see many of these houses built in Gwynedd to create a sustainable future for our communities and to respond to the major housing need for local people as well as providing opportunities and jobs locally.
“It’s essential that Gwynedd Council and Adra work in a close partnership to ensure fairness to local people and I look forward to continue with this partnership. I see value in developing and building these houses, but also welcome Adra’s commitment and priority to their current tenants in Gwynedd, I am confident that this will continue.”
Lynn Rowlands, Board Member and tenant, said:
“It is great news for residents that Adra is continuing to invest in our communities across north Wales, taking the lead to support sustainable growth which will benefit our existing and new customers. This development programme will in-turn enable Adra to generate further income to support our social objectives to fund new affordable homes.”
We own and manage 6,300 homes across north Wales; we were created in 2010 via the Large-Scale Voluntary Transfer of stock transfer from Gwynedd Council. Since then, we have invested more than £150 million upgrading current stock and building new homes.
Following the completion of the post transfer programme of works to achieve the Welsh Housing Quality Standard in 2015, we embarked on a new development programme to help meet the demand for affordable housing. Five years on, we have delivered more than 220 new homes and we are recognised as a key player in the development of new affordable housing in north Wales.