Keep an eye on the vulnerable and elderly this winter
A number of North Wales housing associations and local authorities are supporting a call for residents to keep an eye on their elderly and vulnerable neighbours, friends and family this winter.
With colder weather expected and days getting shorter, it can prove a difficult time for some individuals to carry out their day to day activities, such as shopping and getting out an about in their communities.
This winter, Adra, Clwyd Alyn, North Wales Housing, Grŵp Cynefin and Cartrefi Conwy housing associations, as well as Denbighshire County Council and Cyngor Gwynedd are urging people to be a good neighbour this winter.
Sarah Schofield, Adra’s Director of Customers and Communities, said: “These dark winter days can prove lonely and isolating for some elderly and vulnerable people. Some may decide not leave their homes for days due to the weather and this may also lead to limited interactions with other people.
“A simple act of kindness such as a quick phone call or visit to check on their well-being can be a real lifeline for some individuals and they will be extremely grateful. It can make a big difference to their health and well-being and generous acts such as offering to pick up groceries or essentials can go a long way to making people feel safe and secure in their home.
“Lots of people do look out for their neighbours, should it’s a great opportunity to thank everyone that is already supporting a neighbour. We know how much they appreciate the support from what tenants have told us on our estate visits. It helps us bring our communities together”.