Optimised Retrofit Project

Making your home and our company more environmentally friendly by reducing carbon emissions – what you need to know 

We are taking action against climate change by decarbonising our company and the homes we provide to create sustainable futures for the next generations in north Wales. We have started our work to change 80 homes to be more environmentally friendly. Take a look at the questions below to find out more.


What are you trying to achieve? 

We want to make sure we minimise the negative affect on the environment 

What does decarbonise or decarbonisation mean? 

Decarbonisation means reducing as much carbon dioxide we’re putting into the atmosphere, as much as possible. This then limits the damage to the atmosphere.  

How are you planning on doing that? 

By reducing carbon emissions – we are measuring our carbon foot print and have identified the changes and actions needed, which includes decarbonising the homes we provide. 


So what are the actions and changes? 

We are taking the lead by working with the Welsh Government, being among the first housing associantions across the UK to commit to decarbonise the houses we provide, with the support from the Welsh Government’s Optimised Retrofit Fund. 

What does Optimised Retrofit mean? 

An Optimised Retrofit means to install efficient technologies within your home to replace what you already have, to support lower carbon intense energy sources for power, heating and hot water. It can also make your home warmer as the heat will stay in your home. It is essential that any measures selected for your home are the correct ones based on the property and your needs. 


Will I get something out of this project? 

By understanding how efficient your home is, we can identify ways of improving its efficiency which should result in lower price in energy bills and higher comfort within your home. Whilst benefitting you, it also helps Wales reduce its carbon footprint. 

This is a short overview of the project. The customers within the houses we’re interested in retrofitting will need to take part in a survey, and then we will let them know about the next steps. 

Please visit our website for more info: adra.co.uk and search Optimised Retrofit, or if you’re interested in the project or have a specific question, please contact us: