Your Search results for the term ''

  • Installing CCTV

    We recognise that having security cameras installed outside your home can make a person feel safer. We also recognise that some people may feel that security cameras on a neighbouring…

  • Event

    Seiswn Wybodaeth Maes Coetmor

    Mae 18 cartref cymdeithasol bron yn barod ym Methesda. Dewch draw i gael mwy o wybodaeth am sut i gofrestru am un o’r cartrefi yma….

  • Event

    Information Session Maes Coetmor, Bethesda

    We have 18 homes almost ready to let in Bethesda. If you’d like more information on how you could be living in one of these homes drop by our information…

  • Event

    Sesiwn Wybodaeth Maes Coetmor, Bethesda

    Mae gennym 18 cartef newydd sydd bron yn barod i’w gosod. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb byw yn un o’r cartrefi yma dewch draw i’n sesiwn…

  • Event

    Sesiwn Wybodaeth Parc yr Ysgol, Aberdyfi

    Mae 11 cartref newydd bron yn barod ym Mharc yr Ysgol, Aberdyfi. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys cymysgedd o: 3 tŷ dwy ystafellwely 2 tŷ tair ystafell wely 4 fflat un…

  • Event

    Aberdovey Information Session

    11 new homes are almost ready in Parc yr Ysgol, Aberdovey. These include a mixture of: 3 two bedroom homes 2 three bedroom homes 4 one bedroom flats 2 two…

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    Camu’n ôl mewn Hanes a sesiwn realiti rhithiol

    Cyfle i wylio hen ffilmiau o dre Caernarfon mewn sesiwn hel atgofion. Cyfle i gamu i fyd gwahanol ond cyfarwydd trwy realiti rhithiol. Cerddwch ar bier Llandudno neu rhyfeddwch ar…

  • Event

    Stepping back in time and Virtual Reality Session

    A change to watch old movies about Caernarfon and talk about the good old days. Also a change to step into a different world through virtual reality. Walk along Llandudno…

  • Event

    Ffair Nadolig Llys yr Eifl

    Stondinau, anrhegion, cardiau, cacennau blasus, nwyddau ‘Body Shop’ Eitemau i’r hosan Nadolig a bwrdd fferins/da-da/melysion. Bydd disgyblion Ysgol yr Hendre yn canu carolau tu allan am 10:00….