Your Search results for the term ''

  • Cookies

    Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently,…

  • Cwcis

    Mae cwcis yn ffolderi testun bach sy’n cael eu gosod ar eich cyfieithiad gan wefannau mae defnyddwyr yn ymweld â nhw. Maent yn cael eu defnyddio’n eang i sicrhau bod…

  • Sêr Cymunedol

    Ydach chi’n adnabod cwsmer sydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn ein cymunedau neu sydd yn mynd y filltir ychwanegol i helpu eraill? Os felly, gallwch eu henwebu am wobr Sêr Cymunedol….

  • Grants for community projects

    Do you have an idea that would benefit your community? We are offering up to £1,000 in grant funding for community and voluntary groups to improve your community and improve…

  • Profiad gwaith

    Credwn y gall profiad gwaith fod yn werthfawr i ddysgu am fywyd gwaith a’r amgylchedd gwaith. Gall hefyd eich helpu i wneud penderfyniadau am eich gyrfa. Mae yna lawer o…

  • Work experience

    We believe that work experience can be valuable to learn about working life and the working environment. It can also help you make decisions about your career. There are many…

  • How to get a home

    You need to be on a housing register to have one of our homes for social rent with us. Each county has a different housing register. Contact the county Council…

  • Tai Cefnogol

    Mae gennym 8 safle Tai Cefnogol ar draws Arfon a Meirionnydd ac un safle yn Llanelwy. Mae Swyddog ym mhob safle i helpu ein tenantiaid fyw’n annibynnol.   Pwy sy’n…

  • Supported housing

    We have 8 Supported housing sites across Arfon and Meirionnydd and one site in St.Asaph. Every site has an Officer to help our tenants live independently. Who can live in…