Your Search results for the term ''

  • Tâl Gwasanaeth

    Mae pob tenant yn talu tâl gwasanaeth gyda’u rhent. Faint o dâl gwasanaeth sy’n rhaid ei dalu Nid yw pawb yn talu’r un faint. Mae faint rydych yn ei dalu…

  • Service Charges

    Every tenant pays for Service Charges with their rent. How much Service Charges you must pay Everyone pays a different amount. How much you pay depends on how many services…

  • Safety in your home

    We can help you with to look after your home. But there are many things that you are responsible for. Our Tenant Handbook can help you with these. Download our…

  • Cadw anifail anwes

    Ar y cyfan rydym yn gadael i gwsmeriaid gadw anifeiliaid anwes yn ein cartrefi. Rydym yn disgwyl i chi fod yn berchnogion anifeiliaid cyfrifol. Mae’n rhaid i ddarpar gwsmeriaid nodi…

  • Keeping an animal

    Generally, we allow our tenants to keep animals/ pets in their homes. We expect you to be a responsible pet owner. Anybody applying to be a tenant must declare any…