Your Search results for the term ''

  • Gwneud cais am addasiadau

    Gallwch wneud cais am addasiadau os oes gennych chi neu unrhyw un sydd yn byw yn eich cartref anableddau neu broblemau iechyd tymor hir sy’n achosi problemau: wrth fynd allan…

  • Making a request for adaptations

    If you or anybody living in your home has a long term disability or health concern that means you have problems: going out of your home moving around your home…

  • Lleihau eich biliau ac arbed ynni

    Os ydych yn gweld eich biliau ynni rhy ddrud, gall ein Wardeiniaid Ynni eich helpu am ddim: I leihau eich biliau I leihau faint o egni rydych yn ei ddefnyddio…

  • Reduce your bills and save energy

    If your energy bills are too expensive, we have Energy Wardens that can help you: to reduce your bills reduce how much energy you use Our Energy Wardens can help…

  • Domestic Abuse

    Domestic abuse is not acceptable; anyone experiencing domestic violence and abuse is not to blame and is not alone. Help and support is available. Call 999 if it’s an emergency…

  • Sut i gael cartref

    Mae angen i chi fod ar gorfrestr tai i gael rhentu un o’n tai cymdeithasol. Mae gan bob sir gofrestr tai gwahanol. Cysylltwch â Chyngor y sir rydych chi eisiau…

  • Marwolaeth Tenant

    Mae colli rhywun agos yn ddigon anodd fel y mae, mwy na thebyg bydd poeni beth sydd am ddigwydd i’r cartref yn chwarae rhan yn hyn. Gobeithio bydd y wybodaeth…

  • Death of a tenant

    Losing a person close to you is difficult enough as it is, worrying about what happens to the home afterwards will undoubtedly play a part in that. Hopefully, the information…