Shortlisted for national honour
We are delighted to have been shortlisted for a prestigious award.
We have made the shortlist in the Tenant Voice category of the TPAS Cymru Good Practice Awards which have been set up to share, recognise and celebrate great work in the housing industry.
This award will be made to a social landlord who can demonstrate that their tenants/residents are actively supported to be engaged, involved, and empowered to influence services and decisions which affect them.
Our application highlighted the work we have done around Your Voice, our tenant participation strategy.
Key Headlines:
- 81% of tenants were satisfied or very satisfied with the opportunities given to participate in our decision-making processes. This is 20% higher than the average performance of landlords in Wales, with Adra ranking 3rd out of 46 landlords.
- 450 customers registered on our Customer Panel, who are invited to take part in quarterly questionnaires online or through the post.
- 2263 tenants shared their views with us during 2023/24.
Topics of consultation included:
- Service Charges
- Damp and Mould
- Defnyddia dy Gymraeg | Use your Welsh campaign
- Value for money
- Setting Annual Rent
- Your community as a place to live
- Annual Self Evaluation Report
- Lifts Policy
- Customer Portal
- Communication Methods
Elin Williams, Head of Community Services, said: “The strategy ensures that the tenant voice is heard, listened to, and acted upon at all levels of the organisation.
“We regularly share tenant feedback results with our Board, to inform decision making. We do this by standardising board report templates, to ensure that all matters or decisions which affect tenants include details on how we have consulted tenants The feedback from these consultations will be considered before the board will come to any decision.
“The changes we have made to our approach with Your Voice has allowed us to reach different audiences in a different way and has ensured that we get feedback from a greater representation of our communities. Our flexible and inclusive approach also means there are more opportunities for tenants to get involved in our work.
“It’s great to see such positive feedback at the start of end of our first year of implementing our strategy and that this has been recognised at a national level as an example of best practice”.
The winners will be announced in Cardiff on July 3rd.