Swift boxes for Toronnen
Adra in partnership with North Wales Wildlife Trust are installing swift boxes on the Bangor housing estate whilst undertaking external renovation works.
Working with the appointed main contractor W.F. Clayton Ltd and the residents of Toronnen, the North Wales Wildlife Trust has provided special swift nest-boxes, which have been fitted within the external wall insulation on the properties.
Sara Williams, Project Manager at Adra said: “We are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with North Wales Wildlife Trust and as a result being able to help the swifts survive and flourish within the Bangor area where we are improving the quality and appearance of our homes.”
Ben Stammers, manager of North Wales Wildlife Trust’s Swift Action project says: “the boxes replicate the kind of cavity spaces swifts already nest in, and will hopefully create opportunities for the Toronnen swift population to expand.”
“Swifts are the fastest birds in level flight, and spend nearly all their lives on the wing. They travel back from Africa every year to nest, but sadly, swifts are now one of the most declined species of birds in Wales (72% down since 1995), and are disappearing from many towns and villages. In Bangor, there are only a handful of sites where they still nest, and their last stronghold is the Toronnen/Coed Mawr area.
“I’ve been so encouraged by the response of the residents, people really seem to value these amazing high-speed birds, and want to help them by hosting the boxes. Let’s hope with these extra nesting options, more swifts can enliven the summer skies above Toronnen in the future.”
More information about North Wales Wildlife Trust’s conservation project can be found at: Swift Conservation project | North Wales Wildlife Trust