Tenant Board Member recruitment review
It is very important to us that our tenants are at the heart of the business.
We have a Board that works together to make sure Adra:
- is run correctly and fairly.
- gives the best service to our customers.
- delivers on what we say we do.
Our Board has a mixture of people on it, which includes up to:
- eight independent members
- two tenant members
- two members from the Local Authority
Why we want to review
Sometimes, we need to find new Tenant Board members but this has been very difficult over the last few years.
We recently held a Tenant Board Academy to try and attract more interest, and intend on running the programme annually. We have been discussing many issues about the Board with our Tenant Partnership. We’ve had feedback that he process in place for recruiting tenant members is unfair and complicated. This was partly down to having to hold Assessment Days followed by an election process, which has proved to detract tenants from applying.
More information about the process
We have listened carefully to the feedback and are reviewing our recruitment processes. We want to make sure that our processes are fair and consistent and ensure equality between Tenants and Independent members.
We would like to hear your views on how we should do things in future.
How we do things now
This is how we look for a new tenant board member now.
- a tenant applies by completing a form.
- tenants take part in an assessment day to see if they are suitable for the role.
- the board then look at the results from the assessment day to see if they are suitable.
- if more than one tenant pass, an election will be held amongst tenants. A ballot would be sent out to all tenants to cast their vote.
This is a different process to our independent members, who are recruited through an interview process.
But we think there is a better and fairer way of doing this.
How we would like to do things in future
We want to make sure that recruiting a tenant member is similar to how we would recruit an independent board member.
So, this is what we suggest as a new system:
- a tenant applies by completing a form.
- interviews
Please let us know your views by completing this short questionnaire.
The questionnaire will be live from 6 May to 19 May 2021.