Tenants move in at Adra’s latest housing development
The latest phase of a significant housing development in Prestatyn is now being completed, with the first tenants moving into their brand new homes.
Adra, North Wales’ largest housing association is leading the development of 102 homes on the Plas Newydd Farm site in Prestatyn. Castle Green Homes are the contractors working on the scheme.
16 properties are being completed now, with the remainder to be completed in phases up to March 2024.
46 of those properties will be for social rent purposes, with the remaining 56 being intermediate rented units. The Intermediate Rent scheme offers applicants the opportunity to rent a brand new or refurbished home at 80% of the market rate. This scheme is perfect for those who are unable to afford to rent in the private sector or first time buyers who cannot yet afford to buy a home, but want the chance to save for a deposit to purchase a home.
The whole development includes a mix of 2, 3 & 4 bed houses, as well as 2 & 4 bed bungalows.
The first tenants moving in are Hannah Davies and Lorren Sierra.
Hannah said: “We’re absolutely ecstatic, really chuffed about it. It’s absolutely amazing – it means the world to us as a family. I’ve been so excited that I’ve been driving here every night just to have a look at the estate.
“I only live around the corner, but this is our first home together, it’s coming together as a family.
“This is a new home – I’ve never had anything like this in my life and Adra have been absolutely amazing. I’ve been in touch with the team a lot, asking lots of questions and they’ve been very patient.
“We’re from Prestatyn and my middle son was scared about moving away from the area, as he’s so settled in the local school. So literally having this house around the corner from the school he attends is just brilliant, it makes life so much easier. All his friends live around here, we know everyone around here so it’s absolutely perfect.
“This is the start of a great future for us all”.
Owen Bracegirdle, Senior Development Project Manager, said: “We’re delighted to see the progress being made with the Plas Newydd Farm development and it’s great to see the first tenants moving in.
“They are obviously extremely happy with their property and there’s nothing better than receiving the keys for the first time. We are delighted to be welcoming them into their new home.
“There is such a demand for affordable housing in this part of Denbighshire, which reflects the national picture. Adra has made a firm commitment in its Corporate Plan to build new, high quality and affordable homes that people can be proud of and we’re committed to carrying on with the work, with the aim of completion in 12 months time”
If anyone is interested in the intermediate renting option, they need to be registered with Tai Teg: www.taiteg.org.uk