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    Gallwch wneud cais am addasiadau os oes gennych chi neu unrhyw un sydd yn byw yn eich cartref anableddau neu broblemau iechyd tymor hir sy’n achosi problemau: wrth fynd allan…

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  • Anti-social behaviour

    We want all our tenants to live in a safe and pleasant environment. We work in partnership with: you our customers the police the local council and many other local…

  • Tamp a Cyddwysedd

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  • Damp and Condensation

    There is always some moisture in the air, even if you can’t see it. When warm moist air cools down or hits a cold surface drops of water appear –…

  • My home

    Once you have a home with us it is important that you look after it. There are information on these pages what you should do when things break and how…

  • Lleihau eich biliau ac arbed ynni

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  • Newyddion


    Plas Hedd Residents benefiting from our Community Investment Fund

    Plas Hedd were the successful applicants in this round of our Community Investment Fund. The fund is a chance for communal or voluntary groups to receive grant funding of up…

  • How to get a home

    You need to be on a housing register to have one of our homes for social rent with us. Each county has a different housing register. Contact the county Council…